Monsters are great fun at Halloween time.
Monsters are great ANY time — especially when you can eat them.
Eat monsters? you ask.
You bet your sweet bippy!
Don’t they taste awful? you ask.
Not at all! They are quite delicious.
These edible monsters need only 2 ingredients: marshmallows and candy melts. (Three ingredients if you count the candy eyeballs.)
Mmm mmm good. I can almost taste them right now . . .
You’ll need a couple of supplies:
- Regular-sized marshmallows
- Candy melts (in several colors)
- Candy eyeballs
- Sucker sticks
- Small cups
Dump about 1/4 of a bag of candy melts into a microwavable bowl. Microwave the candy for about 25 seconds. Stir. If there are lumps of unmelted candy, microwave for a few more seconds. Don’t microwave it too long because that would overcook the candy and make it too hard to use.
Melt the other colors of candy melts.
Push a sucker stick into a marshmallow.
Now for the fun.
Dip the end of the marshmallow into the melted candy. Make sure you don’t have a gob of candy melt on your marshmallow.
Carefully prop the marshmallow in a cup. The candy will drip down the sides of the marshmallow. This is good.
Let the candy cool a bit. This will make it easier for the candy eyes to stay where you put them instead of sliding off the marshmallow.
Gently push 2 edible eyes into the candy. (You know, if 2 eyeballs are good, so is only 1 — or 3 or 4.)
Put your marshmallow back in the cup so the candy can harden completely.
Ta da! Your edible monster is finished.
Now gobble up a monster or 2 and tell me whether or not you think these monsters are tasty. (I bet you can’t eat just one . . . )
Instead of using just one color of candy melts on your monster, add 1 or 2 others colors. Just be careful so they won’t smear together into a gross color.
If you want, you add sprinkles on top of the monster for ‘hair’ before the candy cools completely. That would be great fun.
Bon appétit.
The post Edible Monsters appeared first on Grandma Ideas.